Telehealth Information

Neurosurgery of St. Louis has partnered with to offer telehealth appointments. Telehealth is an easy and convenient way for patients to visit with their provider from the comfort of their own home.

urology telehealth options

Meet With A Doctor Online

With telehealth visits you get safe, effective and easy communication. Meet with a physician and get the medical attention you need from the safety and comfort of your home. Telehealth visits can often be completed the same day.

• No downloads or accounts
• Private and secure
• Simple and convenient to use

Telehealth Treatment

For many conditions, we can treat them the same virtually as we do in the office. Below is a list of many conditions that can benefit from telehealth consultations.

  • Spine conditions, including lower back pain, sciatica, spinal fractures, stenosis, degenerative spine disease and more
  • Peripheral never disorders
  • Cerebrovascular
  • Brain Tumors
  • And other neurosurgery related conditions
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Covered By Medicare And Most Private Insurance

Most private insurance companies consider telehealth visits the same as regular office visits. Our intake specialists are standing by to help you navigate your coverage.

Telehealth FAQ

Click here to schedule an appointment and one of our patient intake specialists will work with you to setup a time that is best for you.

Perform a precall test on your device or system to make sure your speakers and camera are all set up and working. Click on this link to test your device prior to your telemedicine appointment.

Click on this link to view a short one minute video on how you can access your provider’s virtual waiting room.

  • Use Google Chrome.
  • Try restarting your computer before a call.
  • Use fast internet with ethernet cable. Video quality adapts to internet speed, so the faster your internet connection, the better the video quality.
  • Use a newer computer with plenty of speed.
  • Use low resolution video options.
  • Use headphones.

Schedule Your Telehealth Visit

Neurosurgery of St. Louis welcome new patients and patients from our former practices. Click the button below to contact us today.